
第二十六回 国際鳥類学会議



企画者:森口紗千子((独)国立環境研究所)・Lei Cao(中国科学院)

開催後に日本鳥学会「日本鳥学会誌」に掲載されたラウンドテーブルディスカッションの報告を許可を得て転載したので、そちらも参照されたい  日本鳥学会誌64 

1. モニタリングデータの共有, 神山和夫
2. 韓国における保全, N. Moores
3. 越冬地のつながり, 森口紗千子
4. ガンカモ類の追跡, L. Cao
5. 調査地点のネットワーク構築, A. Popovkina

 急激な人口増加や経済発展による環境への負荷の規模拡大に伴い,東アジア−オーストラリアフライウェイを渡る水鳥類は,世界的にみても絶滅の危機にさらされている.水鳥類の渡りに関する新たな知見を得て,年間の生活サイクルの中の主要な脅威やボトルネックを特定し,十分な湿地を保全するためには,フライウェイ内のパートナーシップを強化してフライウェイレベルでより多くの研究を進め,さらには世界中の生息地との連結性を認識する必要がある.本地域における高病原性鳥インフルエンザの頻発や生息地の破壊は,効果的な保全策をサポートする知識の不足を裏付けている.東アジアにおける各種の関係国(range state)は各国で保全研究やモニタリングシステムの構築を進めてきたが,国際的な協働があまり進んでいないため,フライウェイレベルの効果的な保全策の推進が困難になっている.





Anatidae species in East Asia have breeding area in Russia and wintering area in China, Korea, and Japan. Species distributions and populations in the wintering countries are fairly well known. Nationwide monitoring of wintering Anatidae is annually carried out in Korea and Japan. Surveys are also done in China though coverage of sites are limited. On the other hand, survey of Russian breeding area would be difficult due to its large geographical scale.

Sharing monitoring data among the wintering countries will facilitate understanding of threatened Anatidae species, e.g. population and key wintering / stopover sites. Moreover, combined with knowledge of satellite tracking studies, monitoring data of wintering area could be used to know conditions of the Russian breeding sites.

発表者2:Nial MooresBirds Korea,韓国)



The Convention on Biological Diversity commits most nations on the East Asian-Australasian Flyway to take steps to reduce biodiversity loss and decline within the present decade. Decision-makers therefore need best information on which species are most in decline if they are to identify conservation priorities and develop the most appropriate responses at the national and regional level within such a short time-frame. However, in many nations, there has been only a short history of bird monitoring and information on national population trends of species, including of Anatidae, are still difficult to access or are presented in ways that limit their usefulness. Moreover, there is still an absence of consensus on the regional trend of several species of Anatidae in East Asia. The conservation NGO Birds Korea therefore conducted research to identify bird population trends in the Republic of Korea (ROK) over two overlapping time-scales, historical (1910-1999) and recent (1990-2014). Despite the absence of long-term monitoring programs and limited information on population trends in the ROK, we were able to assess the status and population trends of all of the nation’s regularly-occurring bird species including 34 species of Anatidae, and identify trends in the majority of species. To improve accessibility and ease of understanding, we then divided these species into major categories, including a Red List (Highest Priority species) and an Amber List (High Priority Species). Species with estimated declines of >50% since 1990 and / or which are globally threatened were placed on the Red List (including twelve species of Anatidae) and those which are globally near threatened and / or which have declined between 25% and 49% since 1990 were placed on the Amber List (including ten species of Anatidae). We believe that organization of information in this way, with clear time-frames and explicit assessment criteria can help researchers and decision-makers in their efforts to fulfill national and regional conservation obligations by 2020.




Greater white-fronted geese are one of the major goose species in East Asia, and the population trends of the geese were different among countries. The population sizes in South Korea and Japan are increasing, on the other hand, which in China is rapidly decreasing. However, interchange of the individuals between the habitats in the countries was poorly known with only observing collar banded geese and a few cases of satellite tracking. The increasing population caused agricultural damages in stopover and wintering sites in Japan should be managed, but decreasing population in China needs conservation if these populations are different. This study investigated the management units of their population with the genetic structure in order to suggest direction for conservation and management of the geese. The strong connectivity of the wintering sites in East Asia should teach us a renewed recognition of the importance to cooperate continuously with our countries for management and conservation.

発表者4:Lei Cao(中国科学院,中国)



The presentation will summarise the population size, key sites and recent trends of four geese species in the EAAF to generalise the gaps between our knowledge and conservation needs.

We will introduce the proposals for the bird tracking network drafted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences during 2016-2020, which involves 9 collaborating institutes, aiming to track 18 species and focusing on Anatidae. This project enables us to establish the relationships between breeding areas, moult sites, autumn staging, wintering and spring staging sites for key species and from this information, identify the locations of key sites, so that we can begin to assess the potential bottle necks in their annual cycle and the types of threats that these birds face at each of the critical stages throughout the year. In the long term, such insights will help us better understand the threats and pressures faced by these birds and come with suggestions for conservation policy and actions to enhance the population status of the species concerned.

We would like to work with other universities and organizations to achieve the above target. In order to get the most benefit from the tracking project, we should combine remote sensing and telemetry data with ground observation at each of the key sites. In order to do this successfully, we suggested an annual meeting to involve key people from different countries throughout the flyway, starting this November during the 16th Goose Specialist Group Meeting in China. We suggest also recommend the planning and instigation of synchronous counts across the winter range to generate populations estimates in Japan, North Korea, Korea and China, the establishment of regular monitoring of age ratios and family size in the population and in the longer term a capture-mark-recapture programme to assess survival and dispersal for the species concerned.

発表者5:Anastasia PopovkinaMoscow State University,ロシア)



The breeding grounds of the majority of Anatidae species using the East Asian-Australasian Flyway are located in northeastern and eastern Russia. Some of these species are rare, the populations of the other are declining, and the status of populations of some species seems to be stable and even safe. It is evident that the conservation measures should be applied to the former, but the constant monitoring of the latter is also essential for timely detection of the negative trends. The broad-scale surveys of Anseriformes on the Russian breeding grounds are hampered by the vastness of the territory, many large areas of which, particularly in the north, are difficult to access due to poor development of the transport network. That is why it is reasonable (in addition to available studies on the breeding grounds) to establish a network of the key sites for the monitoring of spring and autumn migrations of waterfowl in Russia (some of them had been already defined on the basis of the long-term observations on the Chukchi and Kamchatka peninsulas, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands). It should be the part of the continuous network of such survey points stretching along the entire migration routes to the wintering grounds in Japan, China and Korea. Involvement of the experienced experts able to assess the sex and age ratio of migrating birds would also add to evaluation of the breeding success. International cooperation in this field is essential, since the measures for the protection of particular species could be defined only if the migratory populations are taken into consideration and the migratory flyways are used as territorial units for the population management and conservation.

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URL: http://www.jawgp.org/anet/ioc2014rtd06ja.htm