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Action Plan

What's New in Year 1999

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Introduction to Sanjiang.

Sanjiang Nature Reserve, a Network Site in Heilongjiang Province, China, has changed its status to National Nature Reserve.


Introduction to Naujan Lake.

Naujan Lake National Park, a Network Site in Republic of the Philippines, has been designated as the Wetlands of International Importance to the Ramsar List, effective 12 November 1999.

Certificate (12KB)


Introduction to Kabukurinuma.

photo (5KB) Dedication Ceremony for Lake Kabukurinuma, Tajiri, Japan, 31 July 1999.

It was the first dedication ceremony to a Network Site, organised by Tajiri Township Government at the Tajiri Culture Centre. Environment Agency of Japan dedicated a Certificate to the Mayor of the Town. Over the 100 citizens celebrated in the ceremony. Presentations were attached to the ceremony on the Network of the Anatidae key sites, the international importance of the Lake, activities in the enviromental education in the Lake, reporting the Launch Reception in Costa Rica of this May, and others. Refer to the programme of the ceremony.

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Wetlands International

The "Action Plan for the Conservation of Migratory Anatidae in the East Asian Flyway" is a component of the "Asia-Pacific Migratory Waterbird Conservation Strategy", and the "Anatidae Site Network in the East Asian Flyway" is a programme of international co-operation to enhance the conservation of the wetlands of international importance for Anatidae (ducks, geese and swans) in the flyway under the "Action Plan". The "Anatidae Working Group" of Asia-Pacific Migratory Waterbird Conservation Committee oversees the implementation of these programmes with technical support from Anatidae Flyway Officer.

mailFor further information, please contact the Anatidae Flyway Officer. Last updated 15 Aug 2001.